Thursday, January 18, 2007

Create a Hell for all sinners

My Hell for sinners would consist of deathly thoughts. So deathly and sorrow filled that forgiveness wouldn't be an option in their mind. My Hell has sauna type air that is hot, stuffy and hard to breath. It would also have razor and stapel filled walls that cover every square inch of my hell. My Hell stays at a temperature of 350 degrees which makes the victims suffer when their bodies touch the metal. My Hell welcomes molesters, abusers, and drunk drivers. This Hell would be for the people who God couldn't even forgive. My Hells smell would smell of death. Its rancid odor consist of rotton egg stink bombs, veal farm residue, and decaying organisms. This Hell is completley umberable. In my Hell there is no sound, in fact once you enter you yourself become mute. This makes it better for you to suffer from inside, bathe in your sorrow and pitty, about how you wish you would have been a better person while you lived your life on earth.

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